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神亀酒造のお酒は、丹精込めて作られた酒造好適米と米麹、水だけで醸造した純米酒です。 手間暇かけて、丁寧に造り上げた純米酒には、時の流れの中でより豊かな味へと熟成していく力強さがあります。 その年の冬に造られた新酒と呼ばれる酒は、春にはフレッシュでさわやかな若い味わいです。 それが夏を越し秋を迎え、季節を経るに従て成熟し、味に幅と厚みを増していきます。 そして、年と共に丸みが出て、きめ細やかで味わい深い酒になっていくのです。
The Sake made by Shinkame is a Junmaishu brewed with brewing just suitable rice made with painstaking care,malted rice and water. The Junmaishu brewed to spent much time and effort carefully, there is dynamism to mature to a richer taste in the course of time. The Sake called Shinshu made in the winter of that year is fresh and refreshing young taste in the spring. It will be over autumn and fall, will mature as the season passes and will increase the width and thickness to the taste. And as it turns round, it turns into precise and tasty Sake.